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There are no upcoming events.

Tournament Registration

Team registration will open 30 days prior to the scheduled tournament. Registration will close 36 hours before each tournament and all teams must be registered. If you miss registration, please contact us immediately.

Each tournament your church team and players must be registered during the allocated time frame. Registration and Payment must be made online. No payments will be taken at the door.

STXJBQ 2019 Team Registration Timeline:

Early Registration: First 14 days registration opens
Regular Registration: 14 days following the close of early registration
Late Registration: Last 2 days to register


When does registration open?

Registration for monthly tournaments will open 30 days prior to the scheduled tournament (except State). Registration will be available from 10am the first day until 11:59pm on the 28th day (1 day prior to the scheduled tournament).

Early registration will be available for the first 14 days. Register early and save money.

Any teams that miss online registration must contact us immediately.

Registration for the State Tournament will open April 13, 2019, at 10am and close at 11:59 May 25, 2019. Please be sure to register all teams during these dates and times. State tournaments require heavy trophy orders and we want to ensure we have the trophies to accommodate our STX teams.

Can I register and pay online?

Yes, you must register and pay for all teams online. Payment options accepted include major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express). Registration and Payment will be conducted online.

We strongly encourage you to register all teams early to save money. This ensures trophy order are accurate and no rush orders have to be placed.

How do I register more than 1 team?

Registration is easy.

  1. Go to registration
  2. Fill out registration form (enter # of teams, teams names, quizzer names, division…etc)

Your invoice will total a cost based on the numbers of teams entered. (1 team $$, 2 teams $$, 3+ teams $$). You will not be charged for 1 team in each division. If you have 1 Junior team and 1 Beginner team you will pay the cost for 2 teams. For more information on pricing please contact us.

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